Friday, March 28, 2014

CLASS 8 FINAL PREPARATION, Learning the Basics of JavaScript

My JavaScript training with KhanAcademy - Great Reference !

I Made Sausage & Egg !

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Class 7, FINAL PREPARATION : Choosing a JavaScript Programming Track

All three websites are amazing resources to learning how to write Code.

The first was my favorite, because it involved creating pictures and animations.

The second had an interested walk-through tutorial and provided great information.

The third also had a great walk-through and did the best job explaining the purpose of everything

I felt by the end of this I was beginning to see how they could write the code for 2D Nintendo Games and applications..

Khan Academy

Learn Street

Code Academy

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Class 7 Learning Ladder

Class 7, Step 2




Paste Into


Copy Paste

Midterm #8






This is a Photoshop. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at